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20 CM CELESTIAL HEART BOWL G, D NOTE Throat, Sacral Chakra

20 CM CELESTIAL HEART BOWL G, D NOTE Throat, Sacral Chakra


These stunning shimmering therapy-grade bowls do the work of 4 ordinary bowls with their extra strong vibrations for healing the body, especially designed to particular scientific specifications of diameter, equal wall thickness, shape, size and 7 metal alloy blend. These all ensure a superior rich tone, stronger than normal vibrations and surprisingly long resonance.  Produced in the traditional way by hand in Nepal they are labour-intensively hand hammered then polished to perfection, making them arguably some of the best in the world. 


Each bowl includes a suede tipped wooden playing mallet as gift with purchase. The chakra notes below were achieved using both mallet and soft striker, both gonging and playing around the rim.  To achieve the deeper sounds and stronger vibrations your bowl offers, you may like to invest in a soft striker mallet and honour your bowl with a Nepalese felt display mat. (sold separately):



Polyphonic Celestial Premium Heart Bowl chakra blends:

G,D - Throat, Sacral Chakra

F,C,G - Heart, Base, Throat Chakra

C,F,G-Base, Heart, Throat Chakra

A,E- 3rd Eye, Solar Plexus Chakra

A,D,G - 3rd Eye, Sacral, Throat Chakra          

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