Every human being searches for acceptance, fulfilment and contentment.
At some point along your journey you may need help to resolve the conflicts that have gathered in your life.
Holistic therapy explores aspects of mind, body, emotions and spirit-soul. It includes 'thinking', 'feeling' and 'experiencing', and a range of creative-expressive tools to address anxiety, depression, emotional pain, trauma, and stuckness while unlocking your strengths, purpose, confidence, inherent gifts and rekindling a passion for life.
Holistic counselling deals with root causes rather than labels, pathology and symptom reduction alone. Processes work with the whole person, accessing both conscious and unconscious realms, bringing awareness to a deeper sense of self, and offering the opportunity to heal and thrive.
Having a nurturing space to sit with, listen and bear witness to all aspects of self can lead to awakening, empowerment and growth, freeing you to find meaning, inspiration, purpose and a deeper connection with yourself while unearthing unlimited potentials.
Guiding the session to meet your needs at each moment, a variety of modalities and processes are utilised. You are the expert in your own healing journey, while compassionately and respectfully companioned to explore, express, process and resolve past or present difficult or worrying issues that can be a part of this intricate tapestry we call ‘life’. The result: a more conscious, empowered, balanced and enriching experience of the present.
If you’ve had invalidating, condescending, or judgmental therapeutic experiences before please don’t give up. I’m focussed on your comfort, acknowledging your own inherent wisdom and the integrity of our connection.
Previously at youth organisation Reach, the Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria and co-facilitating groups and training with neighbourhood centres and Blue Knot Foundation (formerly ASCA), my service is broadly informed and sensitively delivered.
INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS (Session time: 60 - 90 minutes)
Fee: $120
Traditional talking therapies, (based in a person centered approach encouraging, honouring & valuing your own inherent wisdom), are combined with integrative creative, emotion focussed, process-experiential forms of expression which may include:
An alternative expression for what can’t be put into words, art therapy deals with expressing, clarifying, processing and creating rather than aesthetics. May include drawing and mandalas. Proven to reduce sadness, depression and PTSD, and helps with emotional regulation, all while being relaxing, soothing and enjoyable. No artistic talent required.
‘The body knows'; access and trust your body’s innate wisdom & capacity to process and heal through focusing inwards and working from there. Liberate. Find your place of stillness and presence within. Meet your inner 'observer'. Embark on your journey towards inner peace. Lasting trauma release and relief from anxiety, stress, blocks and physical pain. Conflicted? Confused? Stuck? Create an enlightening dialogue between different parts of self to find clarity, resolve, integration and wholeness. (Empty Chair/Two Chair/Psychodrama/Creative Visualisation).
Powerful written exercises and supportive techniques to enhance perspective, assist in letting go & move towards a state of inspiration and wholeness.
Re-connect with the playful, impulsive, creative, innocent part of yourself that is often neglected and may be calling for some nurturing, healing and empowering. Reclaiming can be profound, exhilarating and life affirming. Inner child drawing, writing, meditation, dialogue and re-parenting.
Empathic practical help to sort and clear stuff (inner and outer). Letting go can be challenging, anxiety provoking and emotional - be supported psychologically, emotionally as well as experientially to get your life and home back in order and organised, often uncovering long lost treasures. Having facilitated hoarding support groups & with personal understanding of hoarding issues, this service for women offers sorting, clearing and counselling assistance steeped in heart-centered support - you're in charge and your things aren't touched unless requested.
It can be helpful to explore and adjust patterns of thinking and belief systems in order to find a more fulfilling or peaceful experience of our world.
Explore hidden symbolic language of the unconscious. Dreams hold vital clues to important issues in life and listening to these messages can have a profound impact. Understand your dreamscapes and get to know yourself more deeply. Dream art, psychodrama, journalling.
Powerful in honouring, letting go and finding closure with challenging experiences, relationship endings, transitioning and loss. For women who never celebrated entry into womanhood, experiencing a 'menarche ritual' can be deeply healing, embracing of the sacred feminine. Thoughtfully co-created and enacted together in safe space, profound, lasting shifts and integrated contentment can occur.
Ancient and innovative, singing bowls emit binaural beats inducing alpha, theta and delta brain wave states, offering an easy form of relaxation, meditation, mindfulness and healing. Various notes, tones and vibrations, rich in layered frequencies, aid physical and energetic health.
"Such a genuine & deeply caring person, you go out of your way to listen to others & acknowledge their essence, & in that you bring light into people's lives. I think you serve as a conduit between the spiritual & physical worlds - I have seen this through the work that you do with your sound healing, & also by how you live your life in your interactions with others. Because you are non-judgemental & so interested in others, you help people see past their ego selves to their truer self, which is such a huge gift.” Jodie Lee
"I've been to Tabby's singing bowl class for 5 months & had experiences I've never felt before like astral travel, visions of places, etc. It truly is a great experience. Also I've been on strong pain medication-all have reduced & I've even gone 75 days without anything at all which is truly amazing for me. My specialist asked what I was doing as my blood work is showing improvement, & encouraged me to keep doing it. I feel a lot calmer & able to handle stressful situations better. Tabby's 2 night retreat was totally amazing & I highly recommend it along with the singing bowl classes. Tabby is such a lovely soul” Helen